Nurture What’s Wild
Capital Campaign
We're thrilled to share the incredible growth of our wildlife rehabilitation center with you. Our expanded facility, now four times larger than before, has been designed to better serve our community and the precious wildlife in our care. On the Sanctuary side, we've made substantial improvements, creating a more captivating and enriching experience for all visitors.
We've embarked on Phase II of our campaign, and we're inviting you to play a crucial role in its success. We are committed to completing this phase, which will include the development of essential Ambassador habitats and rehabilitation areas. These areas will encompass a state-of-the-art avian flight complex, comprehensive large and small mammal rehabilitation complexes, and a specialized deer recuperation habitat.
The impact of your support, no matter the size of your donation, cannot be overstated. Every contribution matters, and we offer a wide range of naming opportunities to express our gratitude for your generosity.
Join us on this extraordinary journey of growth, compassion, and preservation. Your involvement will help us continue to provide essential care for our wildlife and offer a truly immersive experience to our visitors. Together, we can make a lasting difference. Thank you for your support!
We sincerely appreciate the amazing generosity of those that contributed to the forever home of Busch Wildlife Sanctuary. The Sanctuary will continue to rescue, rehabilitate and release animals for decades to come. As well these gifts will allow us to continue our mission to educate our community on the importance of wildlife and the conservation of our natural world.
$1 million or more
Earl Abramson & Shelia Schlaggar
Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation
The Mary Alice Fortin Foundation
$500,000 or more
Florida Department of Education
$100,000 or more
Angelwish Fund of the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties
The Bov Foundation
Anna Jane Branch Estate
W. David & Elke Dary
Billie Ehresman
Marshall Field V
Florida Department of State Division of Arts & Culture
Paula Graham
Murray & Sylvana Klein Family Foundation
James and Michele Kukla
Dennis and Rochelle Manes Family Foundation
Matt and Stacey McGill
Alexander "Sandy" Myers, Esq. & Barbara Sommers, CPA
Don & Penny Pray
Rust-Tech Services, LLC
Lloyd Schiller
Marvin & Donna Schwartz
Split Rock Charitable Foundation, Inc.
$50,000 or more
Ms. Sonja A Arbuse Estate
BallenIsles Charities Foundation, Inc.
Black Diamond General Contracting, Inc.
Peter Busch Charitable Fund
Busch Family Foundation
Jim and Mary Casto
Felburn Foundation
Knopf Family Foundation
Dr. Federico Latimer & Dr. Carmen Colitz
William Rinearson
Southern Eagle Distributing
Timothy and Christina Stieren
John & Carol Vispo
Water Pointe Realty Group & The Jupiter-Tequesta Rotary Club
$25,000 or more
Scott & Carol Bayer
Casto Homes, Inc.
Ted & Lorraine Glasrud Family Foundation
Tom Knapp
Margaret Krupa
Lura Myers
Andrea Neves
Martha & Ward C. Parker
Betty L. Phillips Estate
Scaife Family Foundation
Katrin Theodoli
Keith & Jo-an Wanner
$10,000 or more
Karl Korzenewski & Barbara Billens
Elizabeth Bernstein & Justin Shapiro
Bluefield Ranch Mitigation Bank Trust
August A. Busch III Charitable Trust
Kevin & Lisa Carroll
John & Joyce Caspersen
Fleming Family Foundation
The Grauer Foundation
Daniel Green
HEAL Behavioral Health
Ibis Charities Foundation
Jupiter Country Club
The Lewis Family Charitable Fund
Liz Link
Carole Neves
Nextera Energy Foundation, Inc.
William C. Nutting Family Fund
Lynda Smith
Ariel Smith-Hortman
Split Rock Charitable Foundation, Inc.
$5,000 or more
Peter W. Busch
Christine Cooley & Stuart Montgomery
Perry and Lynne Feyk
Rick & Cindy Haines
Jupiter Elks Lodge #2469
Ted & Julie Keany
Travis & Genia Leonard
Frone Mahaffey
Nancy McAllister
Jason & Nicole Newsted
Kylie & McLean Poston
Tammy Robinson
The Smith Brothers Family Foundation
Solid Waste Authority
David Takacs
TD Charitable Foundation
Henry E. & Consuelo S. Wenger Foundation, Inc.
$2,500 or more
Lisa Beckel
John Caramanica
D. Michael & F. Heather Danneker
Deb Duffy
Stephanie Fuller
Ellen B. Godsall
Bob & Barbara Henninger
Heather Johnston
Amy J. Kight
George S. Laurence
Ocean Habitat and Wildlife Rescue Inc.
Rachel Paskow
The Paskow Family Fund
Marlene Passell
Luis Perezalonso
Pike & Lustig, LLP
Sunny Quinn
Janet E. Wilkins Trust
Lisa Wynne
$1,000 or more
All Custom Shells LLC
Cindy Anderson
Peter & Diane Avonda
Kevin Baker
Kamil Banc
Anton & Svetlana Barinov
Ed and Marilyn Berrios
The Blank Family Foundation
Randall Brater
The Honorable Ann W. Brown
Timothy Browning
Lilly Christy Busch Hermann Charitable Foundation
Sharyn Buyers
Candlewood Consultants Corp
Andrew Chen
Jennifer Cole
Dale Cox
Janine Crane
Rosanna Crawford
Mary Beth Creighton
Sarah David
Ann DeLisa
Bill & Lori Denison
Mike DePaola
Denise Dickins
The Dunstan Family Charitable Fund
Lisa Eilers
Lilly Ferreira
Carol and Roger Filer
Lex Gamble
Bert Gold
Greater Washington Community Foundation
Marilyn Greenberg
Marianne Guerra
Carol Anne Halperin Minkin Family Foundation
Harmony Animal Hospital
Beatricia Herrick
Daniel T. & Michele G. Holmes
Madelyn Hurst
Sheryl Jackson
Sebastian Jano
Amy Katz Rickenbach
Karen Keenan
Richard Kight
John Kirkgasser
Bernie Kressner
Rob & Liz Kusch
Kurt Leckler
Austin Mautner
Mestal Foundation
Catherine Miller
The Montero Family
Glynn Morgen
Frances Mullane
Dennis & Donna Myers
Sue Norberto
Frank Novak
Thomas & Lisa Palm
Chuck Parsons
The Pinh Foundation
Bill & Holli Pinon
Robert Potter
Jim Schultz
Allison Sempier
Donald & Catherine Sharkey
Sierra Club Loxahatchee Group
Christopher Skvarch
Trisha Stone
Stormhaus Brewing LLC
Storybrooke Preschool Academy
Eric and Wendy Swanson
Tom Rowe & Robin Sykes
Roni Tynes Duke
Angel, Daniel, Lexi and Liam Voss
Paola West
Perry White
Susan Wilson-Anderson
Laurie & David Wolf
Up to $500
3rd Grade 2023 TJ YEP
Karen Abraham
Harold Abraham
Ed & Karen Abraira
Peter Adams
Norm Adams
Charles & Andrea Adelseck
Advisor Expressions
Jeff Aingworth
Thomas Aingworth
Glenn Alexander
Nancy & Roger Allen
Judith Allen
Dawn Allen
Bob Allen
Dennis Allen
Edward and Karen Allen
Tarja Allen
Angela Allerman
Judi Amaral
Amelia's SmartyPlants
Julie Anderson
Stacy Andrews
Angels at Home Inc.
Sylvie Anne
Jean Antonacci
Barbara Antonelli
Julio Arellano
Haley Askey
Kristen Atwood
Michelle Avers
Robert Aymond
Sherry Azzara
Thomas Baker
Susan Baker
H.M. Balfour
Alexander Baltovski
Reggie Banks
Bertram Banta
Grace Barbara
Karen Bareno
Carole and Norman Barham
Virginius Barkauskas
Ken Barkley
Richard Barnes
Nancy and Rebecca Barnhouse
Marge & Bob Barrett
Jon Bartell
Georgia Barton
Terrie Bates
Chuck Baygood
Kenneth & Blair Beall
Alyssa Bean
Joan Beasley
Sarah Beattie
Jane Beattie
Heather Beattie
Elizabeth and Rich Becker
Bruce and Martha Beeman
Janis Bell
Sandra Bellantoni
Johanne Bellehumeur
Jack and Marcia Bender
Deborah Bennett
Bruce Bennett
Ruth Benzenberg
Ed Berg
Anna Bergalis
Myrna Berman
Diane Bernhard
Allen Berrios
Dilly Betzel
Michael and Kathleen Bichler
Wendy Biksen
Dawn Clemons & Bill Thompson
Mary Billman
Tom & Ingrid Bischoff
Barbara Bjorklund
Allison Blackwood
Michele Blair
Justin Bland
Douglas Blankenship
Carol Blomstrom
Janell Bloodworth
James Boardman
Donald & Maralee Boas
Ronald Boling
Stephen and Sonia Bollinger
Thomas & Kimberly Bonvissuto
Barbara Borello
Michael and Lyse Bourns
Peggy Bowman
Stephen Branney
Peter and Timothy Bransche
Heather Brassner
Jason Brater
Jonathan Brater
Jessica Brater
Mike Bretz
Donald Brewer
Linda Bria
Joshua and Martina Brief
Roger Britton
James Broadhurst
Hope Brooker
David & Donna Brown
Charles & Deborah Brown
Stacie Brown
Alyssa Brown
William & Karol Bryan
Steve Bucina
Janice Buckley
Bruce D. Budzik
Ellen Buivydas
Barbara Bunn
Janet Burfield
Maria Victoria Burgess
Frank and Lynda Burgy
Margaret Cheryl Burkhardt
R. Burrows
Linda Byington
C & D, Inc.
Steven and Joan Campbell
Robert Canini
Byron Cantley
David & Gweneth Cantley
Karen Cantrell
Harvey Caplan
Joann H. Cappel
Juan Cardenas
Christine Carlson
Wendy L. Carr
Cheryl Carter
Lisa Carton
Bob & Juli Casale
Robert Casciani
Danielle Casey
Anthony & Janice Cassa
Janet Cassidy
Marilyn Cawthorne
Richard Champlin
Rich & Bicky Chirco
Michele Chirco
Michael Christiano
Andrea Chupp
Mark & Nika Ciarfella
Keith Cini, AP
Nina Cioffi
Mark Ciotti
Karl & Patricia Claiborne
Holly Clark
Jean Claugus
Candice Clausell
Tenley Clemente
Coastal Interiors
Tanice Coats
Joyce Cochran
Merle Cohn
Alyssa Coleman
Roxana Coleman
Allison & Julie Collard
Geraldine Collura
Joey Colon
Robert & Judy Colvin
Frank and Roseanne Composto
Kevin Connolly
Lynne Cooney
Jeannie Coppers
Linda Corcoran
Kelley Corrigan-Dammeyer
Margaret Cosentino
Rosemary Costello
David & April Cotrone
Leslie Cotton
Denise Covert
Lisa Cox
Arthur and Patricia Cox
Jane Craig
Monika Cramer
Douglas Crane
Bany & Tom Cranmer
Angeli Crannell
Creative Floral
Jerry Creighton
The Cromwell Properties Ltd Partnership
Debra Crowe-Vitale
Joaquina Cruz
Meredith Cryer
Portia Culley
Donna Cumming
Art Cummings
Connie Curry
Lisa Cushman
Kelly Dace
Kenneth and Deborah Daige
John Daley
Dick and Chloe Dalton
Bryan Daly
Louise Damato
Mary D'Angio
Christine Danielson Isham
Lisa D'Antonio
James Dapkus
Ellen Darcangelo
Cindy Darling
Charlene Darville
Johanna Daugherty
Jean Davenport
Kenneth & Theresa David
Dottie Davidson
Joan Davis
Matt Davis
Joan Davis
Farah Daye
Patricia Dean
Erika DeBlasi
Diane Deleasa
Enzo Delgado
Milton Delgado
Michael DeLoye
Mary DeLuca
Richard and Amanda DeLucia
Joseph DeMarco
Frank & Pat Derato
Vilas Deshpande
Janet DeTeso
Holly Devlin
Robyn DeYoung
Francine DiBernardo & Michael Gannon
Vic Dickinson
Anne Dickinson
Philip DiComo
Joe & Susan Diehl
Holly Dill
Laurie DiMartino
Winnie DiPaolo
Matt Dixon
Cheryl Dodes
Stephen Dodson
Nancy Doon
Colleen Dowd
Michele Downey
Terri Drehmann
Misha Dubbeld
Lisa Dudash
Jeff and Lori Dudden
Patricia Dzubera & Richard E. Nelson Foundation
Anna Ehlers
Heather Einkauf
Bruce and Beth Eisenberg
Chelvi Elangovan
Ryan Eldred
Robert Engelmann
Dawn Ennis
Mike and Kara Epifano
Edward Epstein
Rachel Esposito
Paz Etcheverry
Sarah Evans
Evi's 70th Birthday Event
Norma Ewing
Roy Facci
Mario Facella
Honray Fairclough
David Fawcett
Joyce Ferguson
Steve & Susan Fiebiger
Michael & Sara Fiedor
Nancy Field
Joe Filer
Kathleen Fisher
Katherine Fisher
Nathan Fisher
Janel Fitzgerald
Amy Fitzgerald
Anne & Frank Fitzpatrick
Kathryn Fleming
Katlyn Flett
Floral Park Property Owners Association
Chris Flowers
Robert and Lesa Floyd
Mary and Dennis Flushing
Wandy Fonseca
Maria Fontaine
Angel Foster
Joy Foster Litton
Stephanie Franczak
Francine Frank
Dan Frankian
Lyn and Bill Frates
Suzanne Frazier
Rachel Freeman Levin
Frezza III, LLC
William Frost
Allison Fry
Thomas Gach
Jacqueline Gallo
Lidia Galluzzo
Heidi A. Gangitano
Lily Gannelli
Sharon Garland
Marissa Garone-Rizzo
Lee Garrity
Jen Gatien
Robert & Sheryl Gatrell
Julie Gatyas
Veronica Gavagan
Jeanette, George & Jody Gentile
Jamie George
Stephanie Gerald
Jenny Giambagno
Glen Gibbs
Cristina Gibson
Dennis and Sue Gill
David Gillings
Vicente Giordano
Matthew and Michele Gitkin
Christina Givens
Pam Gladstone
Abbe Gleicher
Go Natural Gas Service, LLC
Bedford & Louella Godinho
Shirley Godouse
Golden River Fruit Company
Beth Golding
Dan Goodkin
Jill Goodman
Robert & Brady Goodman
Annmarie Gordon
Lorina Goulet
Pam Grabowski
John Grady
Michael & Susie Graham
Laura Graves
The Greater Palm Beach Chapter of the National Association of Women in Construction
Larry & Jean Green
Ashlea Green
Joan Greenberg
Carol Greening
Larry Greenley
Emily & William Griffin
Brenda Gruber
Linda & Elmer Gudger
Guyle Guerrier
Jullienne Guillaume
Amy Gurdak
Joann Guyan
Diane Hagg
Elizabeth Hailman
Dorothy Halvorsen
Sandra Hammerberg
Rick Hammond
Bonnie Hampp
Larry Hanes
Beth Harman
Tracy Harmon
Lu & Kirk Harris
Audrey Harris
Megan Harris
James Harrison
John Hart
Kate Hartley
Bruce Harzbecker
Alan Haspel
Valerie Hastings
Erin Hataway
Bob and Joanne Hatem
Joelle Hatteberg
Alissa Hauser
Stefanie Hawkins
Alyson Hawkins
Diana R. Hayden
Patricia Heater
Cleon Hendricks
Danyel Hendrixson
Nathan Hendry
Sonya Hene
Alice Henriksen
Charles and Jennifer Hereford
Hereford Family Fund
Nancy Herman
Deirdre Hert
Jennifer Hicks
Paul Hicks
Sue Higgins
Amy Hightower
Fred & Dana Hill
Steve and Susan Hill
Mary Hill
Peggy Hill
Jeff Blakeslee & Margaret Hills
Natalie Hinebrough
Joan Hirschkorn
Peggy Hobcroft-Bates
Erin Hodel
Karen Holland
Nancy Honchar
Margaret Hooe
Kelley Hook
Herbert Horning
Donald and Sherry Howard
Michael and Alicia Howard
Ed and Marsha Howard
Maurette Hunter
Roger C. Hurd
Mitch Hutchinson
Ted and Connie Hutton
Kevin and Lisa Igo
Infectious Disease Associates of the Palm Beaches, Inc
Hailey Ingeman
Kerstin Ingram
Interstate Auto Center, Inc.
Laura Jacobs
Odette Janavel
Janine Jardine
Jeck, Harris, Raynor & Jones, P.A.
Constance Jewett
Kathleen Johnsen
Denise Johnson
Scott & Robin Johnson
Carolyn Johnson
Jocelyn Johnson
David Johnson
Haley Johnson
David Johnston
Sophie Johnston
Mary Johnston
Walter & Jo Ann Jolley
Cari Jones
Ned Jones
Pamela Jones
Daniel Jones
Doris Joyner
Beryl Jupiter
Jupiter Environmental Laboratories, Inc.
Jupiter Lighthouse Chapter NSDAR
Lori Just
Kristy Justis
Tina Kahn
Carol and Paul Kanarek
Andrew Kark
Esther Katz
Ilan Kaufer
Richard & Gail Kazmar
Betty Keel
Leslie Kemp
Sue D. Kennedy
Gwenn Kennedy
Michaela Kennedy
Jennifer Kerlin
Tamara Kern
Bradley Kerr
Priscilla & Bob Kessler
Margaret Ketter
Tatyana Kharchenko
Sandy Kight
Kelly Kight
Michelle Kim
Pat King
Bill King
Phyllis Kingsbury
Cynthia Kipp
Connie and Bill Kist
Lois & Larry Kleinberg
Julie Kline
Robert Koch
Danielle Koehler
Gail Kohler
Ramona Konicek
Giovanna Koo-Catron
Karen Kosoff Roth
Bruce and Carol Kratz
Kathryn and Richard Kreisner
Marc A. Kuperman
KZ Pressure Cleaning & Painting
Travis Laas
Kate Lafler
Fran Lake
Adrianne Lamont
Bonnie Landrigan
Kellie Largent
Lisa Larrabee
Chris LaSalle
Lara Laufer
Ron & Lois Laurence
Cathy Laurent
Catherine Lauritano
Taylor Lazarus
Dan Leahy
Jere & Elizabeth Leffler
Sharon Leibovitz
Elona Lennitt
Lawrence Leon
Walter Leonhardt
Andrew Leonhart
Stephanie Letendre
Barbara Levine
Coral Levy
Janice Levy
Kathryn Lewis
Mary Lewis-Moews
Alessandra Lezcano
John Linabury
David Lindgren
David & Brenda Lines
Miriam Lippman
Joseph & Claire Lisanti
Sharon Littlefield
Diamond Litty
Geoff Livingston
Kristin Loberg
Craig Lock
Robin & Wes Logan
Sage Longfellow
Charles Lore
Eric Lowenhaupt
John & Jerilyn Lowery
Ana & Chris Lozada
Susan Luca
Eric Ludwig
David and Melrine Luethje
Dawn Luks
John T. Lynch D.V.M
Hope Mabbitt
Thomas and Dixie MacRae
Carole Maddox
Larry Maddox
Cheryl Maeder
Christopher Mafera
Doris Magnuson
Anita and Terry Main
Michele Maio
Donald and Theresia Malak
John and Colleen Maletto
Regina Manes
Georgia Mangan
Peter Manos
Raphael Marcantoni
Joanne Marchetto
David Marciano
Edward Marcus
Tatyana Marinenko
Anthony Marino Jr.
Joe Marshall
Joann Mascolo
Thomas & Cynthia Matlosz
Margot Matot
David and Marianne Matthews
Mary Matthews
Ellen & Doug Maurer
Kenneth Max
A. Rockwell McBride
Barry and Debi McBroom
Robert and Janice McCormick
Suzi McCreery
Peter & Elaine McCusker
Desiree McFarlin
Colleen McGarr
Bo McGee
Elaine McHardy
Meg McIntyre
George McKay
Lynn McKinney
John & Joan McMath
Gabrielle McNally
Elizabeth and James McNey
Mary Anne McPhail
Jeff and Dana Mefford
Mark Mekki
Joseph Melbourne
Ilona Melichar
Marie Merletto
Bill Meyer
John Meyer
Daryl Meyer-Hall
Margarita Michel
Anna Middleton Schrage
Julie Millar
Betty & Charles Millar
James & Lee Miller
Caryn Miller
Diana Miller
Libby Miller
Drew & Diana Minervino
Deanna Mitchell
Emily Mocogni
Robin Monde
Liz Montaigne
Gordon Montgomery
Patricia Monti & Lisa A Weidenbach
John Moody
Erik Mooney
Darryl Moore
Richard Moore
Patricia Morey
Mary Morris
Russell Morrison
Joseph Morse
Diana Dearing Morse
Bonnie Morse
Nina Motta
Jina Moya
Geraldine Muccini
Alfred and Ann Mueller
Marilyn and Bob Muller
Carmine Muratore
Christine Murphy-Ksionek
Randall & Dottie Murray
Jane Neale
Eleanor Nel
Gail Nelson
Barbara Ness
Sue Ness
Barbara Neuberg
Jane Newell
Shelley Newell
Don Newton
Vianne Nichols
Karen & David Nicholson
Rose J. Nicholson
Nick and Johnny's Osteria
Madeline Nicole
Sylvia Noel
Debra Northsea-Prior
Kristina Nowakowski
Chase Nugent
Tim Nugent
Brenda Oakes
Ocean Grill, Inc
Bobby O'Dor
Cindy Okolichany
Seth Olaynick
Pam O'Leary
Timothy O'Neill
Merry O'Rourke
Kristina and Nick Orow
Valerie Overton
Kim & Bill Owens
James & Sandra Packer
Thomas and Sammie Palmer
Antony Pando
Ruth Pannunzio
Anna Panszczyk
Panther Athletic Booster Club, Inc.
Matthew Parent
Ron & Debby Parr
Parrot Kindergarten
Charles & Diane Passamonte
Rosanne Patchen
Pamela Patterson
Edward Payne
Heather Payson
Ginny Pennesi
Amy Pepper
Jessica Perchalski
Adrienne Percival
Lene Perez
Theodore & Susan Perry
Michael Perry
Patricia Persante
Jean & Edward Peters
David & Joann Petroff
Christine Philips
Angel Phillips
Monique Pierpont
Donald Pinals
Makayla Pinon
Judith Pisani
Nelson Pole
Shelley and David Pollack
Diane and Ken Potter
Ulli Pouliquen
Magali Poundstone
Nancy Powell
Jeffery and Rhoda Powers
Victoria Preuss
Atwell Pride
Linda Procopio
Bill and Lorraine Quarles
Karissa Quiles
Kevin and Jeannine Quinn
Robert & Dorothy Quinn
Katherine Quintana
James and Susan Radovic
Ingrid Ramirez
Robert Ramish
Ranch Colony
Shawn Rankin
Dianne Rasch
Susan and Patrick Ray
Gary & Greta Rayman
Annette Reboli
Scott & Sharon Rehm
Rebecca Reid
Jay Reinfeld
Abigail Reynolds
Greg Rhinehart
Richard & Susan Ricci
Rid - A - Pest, Inc
James Ridge
Daphne Ridgely
Cindy Rintel
George and Cindy Ritchie
Chrisanne Rivers
Joseph and Lynn Robertia
Margot Roberts
Joan Robinson
Dan Robles
LeRoy Rodgers
Margarita Rodriguez
Linda Teresa Rodriguez
Mary Roff
Tammy Roggen
Elizabeth Romfh
Naomi Rosenberg
Carolyn Rosenberry
Susan Rosenthal
Tami Rosenthal
Jill Ross
Ronald and Elke Ross
Jim Rothschild
Bernadette Rousset
Sandy & Gary Rowe
Kathleen Rowland
Merry Rowland
Paulette Roy
Caryl Rubin
Debbie Ruggiero
Irene Rummel
Julie Rush
Patricia Rusk
Eileen and Herb Rutstein
Terry Rutz
Louis Ruvo
Alan and Chris Ryall
Amy Ryan
Joseph Salko
Lesley Sanchez
Carlos Sanchez
Alex Santoro
Shelley Saucelo
Steve Sauer
Renee Sayles
Janet Schaaf
Janet and Henry Schacht
Audrey Scharf
Jennifer Scherwin
Lawrence Schlaefer
Shannon Schnuerer
Suzanne Schrein
Marti Schultz
Suzanne Scialla
Ruth Ann Scire
Dennis and Alohalani Scott
Janet Seagrave
Christian Searcy
David Linde & Felicia Serpico
Rachel Serra
Robin Sexner-Cole
Frances Sexton
Shadey Acres Luxury Vacation Rental
Aliza Shapiro
Larry & Jolene Shapiro
Jeffrey and Margaret Sharp
Janet & Malcolm Shaw
Ron & Sue Shearouse
Sarah Shepherd
Virginia Sherlock
Jeni Sherman
Stephen Sherwood
Nona Shields
R.J. and Sylvia Shonkwiler
Barbara Shore-Kirchhoff
Michael Shorts
Hal Shuman
Anita Siegmund
Marilyn Sihler
Geoffrey & Jean Simpson
Rebecca Simpson
Robert & Mary Simses
Richard Sinnott
Michael Siskind
Helena Sliney
Clifton Smallwood
Gambi Smith
George and Debbie Smith
Jan Smith
Meredith Smith
Naaman Smith
Sandy Smith
Sean and Laurie Smith
Vickie Smith
Kris Smithem
Jack and Debra Sobel
Debbie Sorrell
Karen Sowden
Robert Spaulding & Tova Clayman
Steve & Penny Spicer
Andy Spilos
Joan Spina
Dein Spriggs
Terry and Barbara Stacher
Tyler Staggs
Frank Stawara
Madie Steenkamp
Ann Marie Steffen
John Stehman
Kimberly Stein
Terry and Shannon Stein
Maryrose Stetson
Sarah Stevens
Myron Stewart
Ms. Margo Stinson
Christopher and Melanie Strain
Erica Strauss
Sandy and George Streetman
Paul Streicker
Nancy Strona
Elizabeth Sullivan
Melissa Sullivan
Sharon Supple
Carolyn Susman
Judiann Sutherlin
Karen Sweeney
Carey Sweetser
Pauline Tal
Lori Tambone
Janis Tapley
Donald and Dorothy Taylor
Michelle and Mark Taylor
Denise & Marc Taylor
Lee Taylor-Foley
Susan Thacker
Laura Thayer
Therese Thibadeau
Theodore Thoburn
James (Jim) Thompson
Barbara & Ed Tierney
Tom & Faith Tilson
Raymond Tocci
Emilie Travis
Diane Traynor
Diane Tremblay
John Trent
Susie & Stanley Trotman
Mary Tulko
Lorraine Tulman
Fred and Cynthia Turner
Ressa Unfer
United Way of Palm Beach County
Paul and Jane Vaccaro
Thomas Valdes
Susan Valdez
Claudia Valencia
Laura Valenzuela
Theresa Valinotti
Helen & Wayne Van Dusen
Susan Van Lindt
Greg & Shelly Vandermeulen
Donna Varnadore-Erickson
Suzanne Vasilak
Charles and Ellen Venuti
Jeanette Viola
Mirtha Vivar
Richard Volpe
Steve Waddle
Geraldine & Kenneth Walczak
Gary & Judith Walk
Anne Wallace
Andrew Walsh
Jim Walter
Lindsey Walter
Jannet Preti & Sheryl Warner
Julie Warriner
Aimee M. Waters
Fred & Linda Weaver
Shane Weaver
JoAnn Weber
Robert Weintraub
Donna Weitz
Scott Wencel
Robert and Maria Wesel
Lorri M. Wesselman
Michael & Linda Whalin
Richard and Kathy Wheelihan
John Whitaker
Ron & Barbara White
Silvia White
Noel Whited
Georgina Whitton
Margaret Whitton-Ritter
Lori Wieser
Walter and Sharon Wiley
Kendall Wilkerson
Lynn Wilkie
Gary Willard
Donald & Elinor Williams
Linda Williams
Anna Williams
Genevieve Williams
Sandra Williams
Dale and Carolyn Wilson
Jane Winfield
Mike Wininger
Alec and Dotty Wisch
Dennis Witcofski
Ellen Wodtke
Gordy Woelper
Chris Wolfe
Phyllis Wolff
Amanda Wolf-Johnston
Buzz and Sue Woodwell
Ruth Wright
Nicole Wyloge
Daniel Wynn
Cynthia and Clinton Yerkes
Jorge Yong
Raymond & Carol Yoos
Matt Young
Joseph and Barbara Young
Carolina Young
Dawn Yurich
Robert & Kay Zajicek
Laura Oliver Zborowski
Paul & Marleen Zecchino
Pat and Debi Ziemer
Aaron Zigelsky
Judith Zike
Golda Zimmerman
Fred & Suzanne Zirot
Arlyne Zorc
