Leave a Legacy
Make a lasting impact on our environment and for wildlife with a gift through Busch Wildlife Sanctuary. Thank you for your interest in helping Busch Wildlife Sanctuary and the thousands of animals in our community who need our help. Your Legacy gift options will help ensure injured, sick and orphaned wildlife will receive the medical care and critical services they need to thrive and return to nature and provide public environmental education. Your generous gift will help preserve Florida wildlife and conserve the environment for future generations by remembering Busch Wildlife Sanctuary in your estate plan.
Tribute Gifts
Donate in honor of a friend, colleague or loved one to commemorate their love for animals or an important milestone in their life. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or graduation. Even memorialize a gift for a beloved family member. Your generosity will impact the lives of animals for years to come.
Naming Opportunities
We have recently moved into our forever home in Jupiter Farms. This is a wonderful opportunity for Busch Wildlife to continue to care for our native wildlife. There are many special places within our sanctuary and nature reserve available to commemorate a love for animals, nature, loved ones, families, or your business. We would love to discuss ways to make our home even more special. To view a list of current opportunities please click here.
Estate Gifts
A Bequest
A Bequest is a gift made through a will or a living trust. It’s the most popular planned gift; the easiest to make; and costs nothing during a donor’s lifetime. A Bequest can be included in a new will or added to an existing will or living trust through a simple amendment called a codicil — often without the expense of hiring a lawyer. A Bequest can be a set dollar amount or percentage of an estate that goes to Busch Wildlife Sanctuary after the donor’s death.
Charitable Remainder Trust
This effective and powerful tax-saving tool permanently transfers assets in return for a lifetime income, or for a set term of years. When the trust fund ends, the remaining principal passes to Busch Wildlife Sanctuary.
Charitable Gift Annuity
A charitable gift annuity provides a guaranteed, fixed income for life (up to two lives) in exchange for your gift.
Real Estate or Life Insurance
Provide a gift in the form of real estate or a life insurance policy.